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The Gift of Peace

  • Union Presbyterian Church 200 E Main St Endicott, NY, 13760 United States (map)

Jesus offers comfort to his disciples, caught in a maelstrom of fear on the night before the crucifixion.

We have our own maelstrom, and Jesus’ words are no less relevant for us. They may what we need to hear most.

We continue today, with our engagement with the translations of Dr. Wil Gafney, as found in “A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church: Year W.” (More about this can be found on the Home Page of this website.)

Join us for worship in our sanctuary, or right here if you are worshiping from home or on the road. You can also find the live-stream on our YouTube page. Worship videos are available Sunday after 1 PM. Come along for this adventure—you are welcome!

The Gift of Peace  

Psalm 77:1-12, 19-20, John 14:25-31 

Union Presbyterian Church 

July 10, 2022 

Sharing the Light of Christ, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow 

Liturgist: Pat Sullivan   Preacher: Rev. Pat Raube  



Prelude          Chris Bartlette, Colin DeLap 

“Gifts of the Spirit,” Christopher Willcock 

©1991, OCP, All rights reserved. 

Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE.  

License #A-728112. All rights reserved.    


Welcome          Rev. Pat Raube  


Call to Worship        Pat Sullivan  

Come, let us contemplate the deeds of God; 

God is the Fount of every blessing. 

Let us lift our souls to the One who bends near to us; 

Let us tune our hearts to sing God’s grace. 

Streams of mercy pour out, never ceasing; 

The goodness of God calls for unceasing praise! 


Hymn  #68 W & R  

“Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” 

(Public Domain) 


Come, thou Fount of every blessing, 
Tune my heart to sing thy grace; 
Streams of mercy, never ceasing, 
Call for songs of loudest praise. 
Teach me some melodious sonnet, 
Sung by flaming tongues above; 
Praise his name--I'm fixed upon it-- 
Name of God's redeeming love. 


Here I raise to thee an altar, 
Hither by thy help I've come; 
And I hope, by thy good pleasure, 
Safely to arrive at home. 
Jesus sought me when a stranger, 
Wand'ring from the fold of God; 
He, to rescue me from danger, 
Bought me with his precious blood. 


O to grace how great a debtor 
Daily I'm constrained to be! 
Let thy goodness, like a fetter, 
Bind my wandering heart to thee; 
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, 
Prone to leave the God I love; 
Here's my heart, O, take and seal it; 
Seal it for thy courts above. 


Call to New Life        


Prayer for Wholeness and Peace    

God of all blessings, we sing your praises because you are the One who has come near to us in Jesus. But we fail to make ourselves present to you—you, who are already gazing at us in love. We fail to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, though we know you love us all. We need your help, and we need your guidance. Here, O God, are our hearts. Take them, and heal them, so that we might follow in your way in love, gratitude, and joy. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. 


Words of Assurance    

With the whole church: 

We affirm that we are made in God’s image,  

befriended by Christ, and empowered by the Spirit. 

With people everywhere: 

We affirm God’s goodness at the heart of humanity,  

planted more deeply than all that is wrong.  

With all creation: 

We celebrate the miracle and wonder of life and the unfolding purposes of God, forever at work in ourselves and the world. Thanks be to God. Amen! 


Sharing of the Peace  

May the peace of God be with you.  

And also with you. 

Let us share a sign of God’s peace with one another. 


Scripture  Psalm 77:1-12, 19-20    Pat Sullivan  


With my voice to God I cry aloud, 

with my voice to God, that she may hear me. 

In the day of my trouble the Holy One I seek, 

my hand at night is stretched out without rest; 

my soul refuses to be comforted. 

I contemplate God, and I groan; 

I meditate, and my spirit faints. Selah 

You hold my eyelids open; 

I am distraught and cannot speak. 

I consider the days of old,  

and remember the years of time past. 

I contemplate my song in the night with my heart; 

I meditate and search my spirit. 

Will the Holy One reject for all time, 

and never again show favor? 

Has her faithful love ceased for all time? 

Has her promise ceased to pass from generation to generation? 

Has God forgotten to be gracious? 

Has she in anger closed off her mother-love?   Selah 

And I say, “This is what ails me, 

that the right hand of the Most High has changed.” 

I will contemplate the deeds of the Ageless God; 

I will remember your wonders of old. 

I will meditate on all your work, 

and reflect on your deeds. 

In the sea was your way, and your paths in the many waters, 

yet your footsteps were not seen. 

You led your people like a flock,  

by the hand of Miriam, Aaron, and Moses. 


Children’s Message       Rev. Pat Raube 

Music: “Spirit Song,” John Wimber 

©1979, Mercy/Vineyard Publishing 

Used by Permission.  CCLI License #CSPL068847 


Scripture  John 14:25-31     Rev. Pat Raube  


“These things I have said to you while I am still with you all. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Most High will send in my name, She will teach you all things, and She will remind you of all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you all. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, nor let them fear. You have heard me say to you all, ‘I am going away and I am coming to you.’ If you loved me, you would rejoice that I am going to the Creator, because the Almighty is greater than I. And now, I have told you this before it happens, so when it happens, you all might believe. I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming and has nothing in me. Rather, that the world may know that I love the Creator of All, just as the Sovereign God commands me, so I do. Rise now, let us leave this place.” 


Response   Holy Wisdom, Holy Word:  

Thanks be to God!  


Meditation         Rev. Pat Raube 


Anthem  (verses 1, 2, 4, 5, adapted) 

“Peace,” Gregory Norbet 

©1986, The Benedictine Foundation of the State of Vermont, All rights reserved. 

Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE.  

License #A-728112. All rights reserved.    


Peace I leave with you, my friends, 

Peace the world cannot give. 

Peace I leave with you, my friends, 

So that your joy be ever full. 


The love of God I came to give, 

To be the hope for all who live. 


Take his gift and be at peace; 

The Spirit of our love I bring. 


Take my words of life to heart, 

And you will live with hope and joy. 


All I have I give to you; 

I share with you the love of God. 


Prayers of the People         Rev. Pat Raube  


The Lord’s Prayer    

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.  


Prayer Response  #450 W & R    

“Be Still and Know,” Jack Schrader  

©1989, Hope Publishing Company, All rights reserved. 

Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE.  

License #A-728112. All rights reserved.    


Be still and know that I am God,  

Be still and know that I am God,  

Be still and know that I am God.  


Call for Offering        Rev. Pat Raube 



“Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow,” Brian Wren   

©1989, Hope Publishing Company, All rights reserved.     

Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE.     

License #A-728112. All rights reserved.   


Praise God from whom all blessings flow;  

Praise God, all creatures high and low.  

Praise God, in Jesus fully known:  

Creator, Word, and Spirit one.  


Prayer of Dedication       Rev. Pat Raube


Hymn   #501 W & R 

“Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” 

(Public Domain) 


Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, 
Pilgrim through this barren land; 
I am weak, but thou art mighty-- 
Hold me with thy powerful hand: 
Bread of heaven, Bread of heaven, 
Feed me till I want no more, 
Feed me till I want no more. 


Open now the crystal fountain, 
Whence the healing stream doth flow; 
Let the fire and cloudy pillar 
Lead me all my journey through: 
Strong Deliverer, strong Deliverer, 
Be thou still my strength and shield, 
Be thou still my strength and shield. 


When I tread the verge of Jordan, 
Bid my anxious fears subside; 
Bear me through the swelling current, 
Land me safe on Canaan’s side: 
Songs of praises, songs of praises 
I will ever give to thee, 
I will ever give to thee. 


Benediction        Rev. Pat Raube   

Go into the world in peace.  

Have courage!  

Hold fast to what is good.  

Return no one evil for evil.  

Strengthen the faint-hearted,  

support the weak,  

help the suffering.  

Honor all people.  

Love and serve the Holy One, your God,  

rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit. 

And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, 

and the love of God, 

and the sweet communion of the Holy Spirit,  

be with each and all of us, 

This day and forevermore. 

The Spirit is with us, so go in peace. 

Thanks be to God. Amen 


Postlude         Chris Bartlette, Colin DeLap 

“Sing of the Lord’s Goodness,” Ernest Sands 

©1981, OCP, All rights reserved. 

Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE.  

License #A-728112. All rights reserved.    



Where an * is indicated, please rise in body and/or in spirit.   

“W & R” ~ the red Worship and Rejoice hymnal.  

“PH” ~ the blue Presbyterian Hymnal

Scripture translations by the Rev. Dr. Wilda A. Gafney can be found in “A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church: Year W.”


Earlier Event: July 3
Come to the Table
Later Event: July 17
A Vision