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Love and Law

Paul continues his great letter of introduction to the church in Rome, and he brings together what he knows about love and the law.

Sunday worship takes place at 10:30 AM EDT. You are invited! Join us right here.

Hymn #9 R    “Come, Let Us Praise the Lord”
Timothy Dudley-Smith (OneLicense #48436)

Come, let us praise the Lord, with joy our God acclaim,
His greatness tell abroad and bless his saving name.
Lift high your songs before his throne to whom alone all praise belongs.

Our God of matchless worth, our King beyond compare,
The deepest bounds of earth, the hills, are in his care.
He all decrees, who by his hand prepared the land and formed the seas.

In worship bow the knee, our glorious God confess;
The great Creator, he, the Lord of Righteousness.
He reigns unseen:  his flock he feeds and gently leads in pastures green.

Come, hear his voice today, receive what love imparts;
His holy will obey and harden not your hearts.
His ways are best; and lead at last, all troubles past, to perfect rest.

Hymn   “Christ, Your Words of Love Confound Us”, sung to #575R
Text: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. Permission granted by author. (OL #92267)
Music:  Public Domain

Christ, your words of love confound us, even as we give you praise,
for the lessons that you teach us seem so far from this world's ways.
How can we love those who hate us? How can we love enemies?
What of people who abuse us? How can we love even these?

Make us mindful: love is action, not a feeling that uplifts.
In each daily situation, love's the greatest of all gifts.
It's the wiser, stronger person who will break the chain of hate.
Love can usher in redemption; love can make a people great.

Faced with those who seek to hurt us, make us confident and free:
you don't call us to be helpless but to stand with dignity.
Lord, when others are demanding, may we know they matter more
than our money or possessions. May we share, not keeping score.

If we love just those who love us, where's the giving? Where's the grace?
Even sinners try to do this; they have friends that they embrace.
May we do, Lord, unto others as we'd have them also do.
You have shown us: Love is action. May we love, and make things new. 

Make Me A Channel of Your Peace  (Prayer of St. Francis ) by  St. Francis of Assisi
CCLI# 3328437

Children’s Message
Where True Charity and Love Abide (Ubi Caritas et Amor) by Jacques Berthier   
One License #00798

Spirit of Jesus, If I Love My Neighbor (sung to #610R)
Words:  Brian Wren (OneLicense #28614)
Music:  Public Domain

Prayer Response
Words:  Carl P. Daw (OneLicense #91029)
Music:  Public Domain

They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love by Peter Scholtes
CCLI# 26997


Pastor: Rev. Patricia Raube

Parish Associate: Rev. Jeff Kellam

Music Director: Chris Bartlette

Asst. Music Director:  Colin DeLap

Pianist/Organist:  Heather Ingraham

Media Manager:  Ryan DeLap

Liturgist:  Karl Wokan

Contributing Musician: Peg Williams

Earlier Event: August 30
A Healing Story
Later Event: September 13
Different Gifts