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Indiscriminate Cultivation

Jesus is in storytelling mode today, and we hear about someone who throws the seeds of their Big Gardening Project absolutely everywhere!

Sunday worship takes place at 10:30 AM EDT. You are invited! Join us right here, online.

“Let All Creation Bless the Lord”

Carl P. Daw, Jr. (OneLicense #12842)

Let all creation bless the Lord, till heaven with praise is ringing.
Sun, moon, and stars, peal out a chord, stir up the angels’ singing.
Sing, wind and rain!  Sing, snow and sleet!
Make music, day, night, cold, and heat!
Exalt the God who made you.

All living things upon the earth, green fertile hills and mountains,
Sing to the God who gave you birth!  Be joyful, springs and fountains,
Lithe waterlife, bright airborne birds,
Wild roving beasts, tame flocks and herds!
Exalt the God who made you.

O men and women everywhere, lift up a hymn of glory.
Let all who know God’s steadfast care tell out salvation’s story.
No tongue be silent—sing your part,
You humble souls and meek of heart!
Exalt the God who made you.

We Plow the Fields and Scatter” (Hymntune: Aurelia)

Text (translation):  Jane M. Campbell (Public Domain)

Tune (#544 R):  Samuel S. Wesley (OneLicense #92374)

Verses 1 and 3

We plow the fields and scatter the good seed on the land,
But it is fed and watered by God’s almighty hand;
God sends the snow in winter, the warmth to swell the grain,
The breezes and the sunshine, and soft, refreshing rain. 

We thank You, then, Creator, for all things bright and good,
The seedtime and the harvest, our life, our health, our food;
Accept the gifts we offer, for all Your love imparts,
And what You most would welcome, our humble, thankful hearts.

Earlier Event: July 5
The Down and Out Bar and Grille
Later Event: July 19
Labor Pains