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Risen on the Beach

After the resurrection chaos settles down, the disciples decide to go back to their old job: fishing for fish. Jesus catches up with them on the beach.

Join us this morning for worship, whether online via video streaming or in our sanctuary! We celebrate this Easter season as a real community, wherever we may be.

Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore
Text/Tune:  Cesáreo Gabaráin
One License #6905

1. Lord, you have come to the lakeshore
Looking neither for wealthy nor wise ones;
You only asked me to follow humbly.


              O Lord, with your eyes you have searched me,
              And while smiling have spoken my name;
              Now my boat’s left on the shoreline behind me;
              By your side I will seek other seas.

2. You know so well my possessions;
My boat carries no gold and no weapons;
You will find there my nets and labor.

3. You need my hands, full of caring,
Through my labors to give others rest,
And constant love that keeps on loving.

4. You, who have fished other oceans,
Ever longed for by souls who are waiting,
My loving friend, so now you call me.

Peter Said, “I’m Going Fishing”
Text: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette.  Used with the author’s permission.
Tune:  Beecher (public domain)

1. Peter said, "I'm going fishing," so his friends went out with him.
Through the night, they labored, watching, Hauling empty nets back in.
In the grey of early morning, Jesus, you came walking by.
From the beach you called a greeting, "Cast out on the other side!"

2. Soon their nets were filled to brimming; Someone cried, "It is the Lord!"
Jumping in, he started swimming; Christ, you met him on the shore.
Guiding them to better waters, Eating fish, and sharing bread —
You showed Peter and the others: You were risen from the dead!

3. Risen Christ, you send us fishing! God's great sea is everywhere.
You have guided us in mission, You have given love to share.
Through the years, our church has heard you, We have answered your great call:
"Cast your nets where I have told you. Bring my word of love to all!"

4. Lord, be with our congregation; By your spirit, send us forth!
May we care for your creation; May we work for peace on earth.
In our worship, in our giving, In our serving those in need,
May we know, Lord; you are living, Guiding us in ministry.

Earlier Event: May 3
Risen and Seeing Thomas Again
Later Event: May 17
Risen and With Us Always