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Our Money Story 2: Release

We continue exploring our money stories and God’s. This week we practice releasing shame, anxiety, guilt, greed or anything that keeps us from freedom and wholeness. We release the elements of our money story that prevent us from fully living into God’s story.

Sunday worship takes place at 10:45 AM ET. You are invited! Join us right here.

Hymn #380 R “Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord”

(Public Domain)


Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee;

He never will suffer the righteous to fall: he is at thy right hand.

Thy mercy, Lord, is great and far above the heavens:

Let none be made ashamed that wait upon thee.

Hymn #539 R

“O Day of Peace,” Carl P. Daw, Jr.

©1982, Hope Publishing Company, All rights reserved.

Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE,

License #A-728112. All rights reserved.

O day of peace that dimly shines through all our hopes and prayers and dreams,

Guide us to justice, truth, and love, delivered from our selfish schemes.

May swords of hate fall from our hands, our hearts from envy find release,

Till by God’s grace our warring world shall see Christ’s promised reign of peace.

Then shall the wolf dwell with the lamb, nor shall the fierce devour the small;

As beasts and cattle calmly graze, a little child shall lead them all.

Then enemies shall learn to love, all creatures find their true accord;

The hope of peace shall be fulfilled, for all the earth shall know the Lord.


“Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow,” Louis Bourgeois, Janet Vogt ©2005, Lorenz Publishing Company

Used by permission. CCLI License #CSPL068847

Children’s Message

Children’s Message Music

“I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me”

(Public Domain)

Anthem #723 R

“For the Fruit of All Creation,” Fred Pratt Green

©1970, Hope Publishing Company, All rights reserved.

Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE,

License #A-728112. All rights reserved.

Prayer Response

688 R “We Give Thee But Thine Own”

(Public Domain)


“Today We Are Called to Be Disciples,” Jason Krug

©2012, Lorenz Publishing Company

Used by permission. CCLI License #CSPL068847

Image: “Finding Release,” (c) Lauren Wright Pittman and A Sanctified Art, used with Permission.
Words for Worship Adapted from “Our Money Story” curriculum by Sarah Are.
Children’s Massage adapted from suggestions by Hannah Strickland and Erin Weber-Johnson.
All © A Sanctified Art, used with permission.


Pastor: Rev. Patricia Raube

Parish Associate: Rev. Jeff Kellam

Music Director: Chris Bartlette

Asst. Music Director: Colin DeLap

Pianist/Organist: Heather Ingraham

Media Manager: Ryan DeLap

Liturgist: Peg Williams

Contributing Musicians: Barbara Gannon

Earlier Event: November 1
Our Money Story 1: Remember
Later Event: November 15
Our Money Story 3: Reimagine