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Pentecost Sunday/ Bicentennial Celebration Sunday

"When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place." ~ Acts 2:1

You are invited to share Pentecost Sunday with us! On June 9 we will welcome the Rev. Jimmie Hawkins to our pulpit, as we celebrate both the birth of Christ's church around the world and the 200th anniversary of Union Presbyterian Church.

Come! Wear red! Listen for the stirrings of the Spirit, and celebrate with us!

Pentecost Sunday Worship is at 10:30 AM at 200 East Main Street, Endicott, NY. You are invited!


The Rev. Jimmie Hawkins is the Director of the Presbyterian Office of Public Witness, the public policy information and advocacy office of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Reformed theology teaches that because a sovereign God is at work in all the world, the church and Christian citizens should be concerned about public policy.

Rev. Hawkins was born in Henderson, North Carolina, the son of Elsie L. and the late James P. Hawkins. He is married to Sheinita Hampton Hawkins and they are the parents of two children: Kaela Renee and James Hampton.He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Studies from North Carolina Central University (Durham, NC); a Master of Arts in Christian Education from the Presbyterian School of Christian Education (Richmond, VA); and a Master of Divinity degree from the Interdenominational Theological Center/Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary (Atlanta, GA).