I don’t know about you, but I grew up absolutely sure that Jesus was an only child. (It’s a Catholic thing.) But later, when I read the gospels with a greater attention for detail, I saw, for instance, exactly how Jesus’ neighbors in Nazareth tried to wave away his mission and his power and his eloquence by focusing on how well they knew him. Not Jesus, they said. “Isn’t his father a carpenter? Isn’t his mother Mary? Don’t we know his brothers—James, and Joseph, and Simon, and Judas? Don’t we know his sisters?” In other words, he couldn’t possibly be a prophet. He couldn’t possibly have the power of God surging through him. He’s just a neighborhood kid.
Image: Mural by Beau Stanton, October 2018; phot by P. Raube, July 2021. More about the artist at http://www.beaustanton.com/.