In keeping with our Lenten series theme of “sensing the gospel,” you are invited to join us for an embodied presentation of the Gospel of Mark on February 26, with the Rev. Kirianne Weaver Riehl. Kirianne memorized the Gospel of Mark as an independent study in Seminary, under the direction of Dr. Charles Bartow. It was first performed as her final project for the same study at the Institute for Advanced Studies of Princeton University. Since then, this 2.5-hour performance has been staged over 25 times around the country and in several others!
The performance, a one-person show, tells the whole gospel story from beginning to end. Troubling passages are not left out, but take on new meaning when they are not extracted from their context. From John's ministry of baptism through teachings, the passion story and that wonderful morning at the tomb, Mark is unflinching in his retelling of Jesus' story for us today.